Plein Air: Pastel Painting for All
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Instructors: Catherine Haynes
Monday - Friday
August 12 - 16
9am - 12pm
5 sessions

A full blown pastel course for beginners as well as those who have been using pastels and want a refresher.  Weather permitting, the class will meet each morning in a different location in Truro, Wellfleet and Provincetown. The locations will vary to enable us to paint the different landscapes available on the Outer Cape.  A suggested material list will be provided prior to the class.

The course will cover what materials to take on location, deciding what to paint and why, how to simplify your subject, the importance of thumbnails, starting the painting in plein air, working on the painting back in the studio, protecting your painting, and framing. Typically, each class will start with basic instruction. Students should be able to complete both thumbnail sketches and start a pastel painting at each location.  At the end of the course each student should be able to complete one of their starts to bring to a final group critique on the last day.

We will start the first day on the Edgewood Farm Campus of Castle Hill.  Please be ready to start at 9 a.m.  Be prepared to drive to and meet at painting locations in the area.  Bring all your plein air supplies, gear for hot weather (water, hat, bug spray, SPF protection), wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for whatever the Cape will throw at us!

We will have fun together, relax and learn the magic of pastels….

Catherine Haynes has been doing plein-air painting on the Outer Cape for over 30 years, and her work has been shown in various galleries on the Cape and throughout New England. Her love of pastels was developed at the Cape Cod School with Lois Griffel. She has trained at the Worcester Art Museum, Art in Provence Program, and Rhode Island School of Design. Her education also includes a Bachelors in Civil Engineering and an MBA.