Poetry of the Everyday
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Instructor: Gloria Monaghan
Monday - Friday
July 29 - Aug 2
9am - 12pm
5 sessions

In the elegant design of the natural world, we can unlock our inner spirit by writing poetry. Students will use journals to record everyday observations and dreams, to explore the unconscious mind. The workshop focuses on synchronicity and everyday signs to build poems and craft new awareness. Every class begins with a meditation to focus intent and clear away distraction. Students are given prompts as tools for transforming ideas and words. We will study poems, genre, and style and experiment with forms.

The workshop is open to new and experienced poets, and takes place at Edgewood Farm.

Gloria Monaghan is a Professor of Humanities at Wentworth Institute in Boston. She has published two chapbooks and three books of poetry. Her chapbooks include Flawed and Torero (Nixes Mate). Her books of poetry are The Garden (Flutter Press), False Spring (Adelaide), and Hydrangea (Kelsay Books). Her poems have appeared in Alexandria Quarterly, 2River, Adelaide, Aurorean, Chiron, Nixes-Mate, First Literary Review East, among others. Her poem, “Into Grace” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize and her book False Spring was nominated for the Griffin Prize.