Silkscreen on Fabric with Cyanotype and Natural Elements

$590 includes $45 materials fee

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Instructor: Malgorzata Oakes
Monday - Friday
August 5 - 9
9am - 12pm
5 sessions
Open studio: Mon - Thurs, 12 - 4pm

During this fun silkscreen and cyanotype workshop, participants will learn and explore various possibilities of printing on paper, fabrics, and other materials. Screen preparation, exposure and proper printing will be introduced along with the hand drawn and hand painted imagery in preparation of custom stencils. Participants will learn cyanotype technique and implement their silkscreen process with custom stencils working directly with Jacquard’s SolarFast products as part of their imagery. Custom designs will be implemented by elements collected out in nature acting as unique personal stencils. By the end of the workshop each participant will feel knowledgeable and confident to set up their own successful silkscreen studio, utilizing small space and investing in inexpensive equipment.

All levels of printmaking students are welcome. Teenagers are invited to join this fun workshop.

Malgorzata Oakes, Malgorzata Oakes is a Polish born artist residing in New York. She holds a Ph.D. from the Scientific Interdisciplinary Program in the Arts from the Doctoral School of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art & Design in Wrocław, Poland. She is an Assistant Professor at Marist College. Her work investigates the abilities of genetic memory and searches for the identity. Oakes's work has been exhibited internationally within Mini Maxi Print Berlin, Germany; International Screen Print Biennale, Tokyo, Japan; MTG – Kraków, Poland and MEGALO Print Studio & Gallery, Australia. She is a recipient of national as well as international fellowships and scholarships, in addition to competitive residency programs, and Visiting Professor appointments. Oakes actively continues her research pertaining to sustainability in the arts. She is passionate about sharing her expertise on safer printmaking while teaching at Women’s Studio Workshop, Anderson Ranch Center, and Manhattan Graphics Center. Her most recent publication includes Power of electro-etching Article in Printmaking Today. She is a co-author of an essay Power of Non-toxic Modern Printmaking (Friedhard Kiekeben & Malgorzata Oakes). Outside the classroom, Oakes vigorously works on collective projects with Indigenous Communities, European artists, and educators. She is a founder of the FREEDOM Project that has been exhibited at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art & Design, Wrocław, Poland, and the Book Art Museum, Łódź, Poland.