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Instructor: Julia Morgan
Monday - Friday
July 15 - 19
9am - 12pm
5 sessions

Open Studio: Mon - Thurs, 1pm - 4pm 

In this advanced beginning watercolor class, we will work to find that balance between, on the one hand, developing control over the medium from a place of knowledge and familiarity, and on the other hand, letting loose your intuitive, inner artist to make more dynamic watercolors! Each day, students will revisit the mysteries of pigment, water, and paper with customized exercises to move us toward using watercolor with more ease. Engaging the art elements of contour, shape, value, color, and even the in-between spaces will strengthen our ability to compose dynamic images. As we learn to more consciously ‘see’ the effect of light on nature and objects in the world, we’ll also be guided by selected watercolor masterworks, individualized instruction, and supportive discussions of each other’s work from the day. Also, by inviting serendipity to be a part of the experience, we’ll witness how watercolor can surprise and delight. The class is geared towards students who have had an introductory experience with watercolor and the intermediate watercolorist who wants to revisit fundamentals. 

Julia Morgan has taught for many years as college art faculty, in art museums, and community settings. She leads workshops nationally and internationally. Her works have been screened and exhibited at venues such as the Ministry of Culture, Cairo, Egypt; the Luxor International Painting Exhibition; Transart Fest Berlin, Germany; the Brattleboro Museum of Art; the New York Studio Gallery; the Los Angeles Center for Digital Media; the Contemporary Artists Center in North Adams, MA; and Kidspace at MassMoCA. In 2009 she attended the Luxor International Painting residency at the invitation of Egypt’s Ministry of Culture. She developed a course that brought Williams College students to Cairo and Luxor to study art and culture with Egyptian students and led trips there in 2011 - 2013.  Stills from her film, Gestures of Time, were published in “Infinite Instances” edited by Olga Ast. She holds an MFA from Vermont College.