Instructors: VARIOUS
Tuesday - Thursday
January 16th - February 15th
315 - 5 pm
10 sessions
$10 Registration Fee

Session 3 of our Kids Outreach Afterschool Program features classes in: Collage, Paper Maché, Mixed Media, and Art with Recyclables!

Our NEW Afterschool program at Castle Hill.

Called: GROW

At Castle Hill - we inspire young artists to grow. Grow with Confidence. Grow Respect. Grow your Dreams. Grow with Castle Hill.

This is a new program creating an inclusive, supportive, arts community by providing a wide range of artistic experiences to students of all levels of ability. The program is energized by a faculty of distinguished artists and enlivened by a welcoming and engaging community. Classes will integrate arts and science with an emphasis on sustainability.

The Program is open to students of Truro as well as Wellfleet and Provincetown in Grades 3 - 5

We’re offering a variety of workshops where the arts and education meet. Classes are taught by local, professional artists - many of whom are highly experienced in the field of education. In each session, children will have classes in multiple disciplines with different instructors.

All classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 5pm.

There is a $10 registration fee and the classes are FREE.

There is transportation to Castlehill provided by Truro Central Schools Aftercare Bus, or Parents from Wellfleet and Provincetown can drop off their children. Parents must pick up their children at 5pm.

Kids GROW Session 3
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Paper Mache with Kim Possee!

Mixed Media Collage with Michael Giaquinto!

Art with Recyclables with Marina Seevak!

Bottle Design with Mixed Media with Donna Mahan!