Instructor: Nan Rumpf
Monday - Friday
June 23-27
9am - 12pm
5 sessions
Open studio Mon - Thurs, 1pm - 4pm
We will be spending a week exploring the following techniques: prism and patterns for a contemporary look, watercolor and ink (combining two water media), using granulation medium and acrylic ink to add random texture to your watercolors, creating a decorative background with a spray bottle, and adding tissue paper texture before painting. Come and experiment with us.
Nan Rumpf is an award-winning artist. Her work has been accepted into the American Watercolor Society’s International Show in New York City and the New England Watercolor Society’s National Show in Gloucester. She was one of twenty artists chosen across the country to have a painting included in the Watercolor Artist Magazine’s Best of 2021 in watercolor.
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