Saturday, August 5
Times 11:00 am -2:00pm
Meeting at Edgewood Farm at 11:00 am
$25 for Members / $30 for Non-Members

Ever wonder what local farms look like up close?  Ever want the opportunity to see the inner sanctum of local artists?  Well, now is your chance!  On August 5th Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill has arranged for local artists and farmers to open their studios and farms to you for our Artist Studio and Farm Tour.  Join us from 11am to 2pm as you get a behind the scenes look into artists studios and have the opportunity to see first hand where some of the local farmers are producing their vegetables, eggs and meat.

You will explore the private spaces where artists create their masterpieces and have the opportunity to talk to them about their work, the creative process and maybe even purchase a new piece for your home.  When visiting the farms you will have the opportunity to talk to the farmers about their crops, successful tips and tricks they have and see their fresh produce available for sale.

Participating artists include: Carmen Cicero, Diane Messinger, Vicky Tomayko, Camie Watson, and Paul Wisotzky and Edgewood Farm Studios.

Participating farmers include: Kane Farm, Edgewood Farm and Nestwood Farm.