Thursday, May 10
4 - 6pm
Edgewood Farm

$25 in advance, $30 at the door


Whether you're totally new to vegetable gardening or you have a few years under your belt, there are always new things to learn. In this talk we'll explore the challenges that Cape Cod veggie gardeners face, plus strategies for dealing with insects, diseases, and animals. You'll learn about the difference between heirlooms and hybrids, and hear the pros and cons of tilling and no-till gardens. Bring all of your questions about how to raise the tastiest food on earth!

C.L. Fornari is the author of six books including Coffee for Roses and The Cocktail Hour Garden. She hosts a weekly radio program on WXTK every Saturday and is a speaker who frequently presents to a variety of audiences. C.L. is also the resident plant geek at Hyannis Country Garden, a family owned garden center, where she runs their consultation service. Her website and blog can be found at She grows all manner of plants at Poison Ivy Acres in Sandwich, where her favorite thing is to walk into the vegetable garden and ask, “What’s for dinner?”
