Join us for a series of provocative and entertaining discussions with some of today’s most talented and creative authors. In a series of live, one-hour Zoom events, host Karen Dukess, author of The Last Book Party, will interview acclaimed, debut, and award-winning authors of fiction and non-fiction about their new books and their paths to publication. Available individually or as a series, the interviews will include time for questions from the audience. Events are FREE although donations greatly appreciated!

Books signed by the authors will be available from a local Cape Cod bookstore: East End Books in Provincetown
East End Books Ptown

Wednesday, February 17, 6 pm
Susan Conley, LANDSLIDE.


After a fishing accident leaves her husband hospitalized across the border in Canada, Jill is left to look after her teenage boys--"the wolves"--alone. Nothing comes easy in their remote corner of Maine: money is tight; her son Sam is getting into more trouble by the day; her eldest, Charlie, is preoccupied with a new girlfriend; and Jill begins to suspect her marriage isn't as stable as she once believed. 

With remarkable poise and startling beauty, LANDSLIDE ushers us into a modern household where, for a family at odds, Instagram posts, sex-positivity talks, and old fishing tales mingle to become a kind of love language. It is a beautiful portrait of a family, as compelling as it is moving, and raises the question of how to remain devoted when the eye of the storm closes in.

Purchase a signed copy from East End Books:
Landslide: A novel (Hardcover) | East End Books Ptown

Susan Conley is the author of three previous novels including Elsey Come Home, and a memoir, The Foremost Good Fortune. Her work has appeared in The New York Times MagazineThe Paris ReviewVirginia Quarterly ReviewHarvard ReviewNew England Review, and Ploughshares. She's received multiple fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, as well as from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Maine Arts Commission, and the Massachusetts Arts Council. She lives in Portland, Maine, where she's on the faculty of the Stonecoast Writing Program at the University of Southern Maine.

About the host
Karen Dukess is the author of The Last Book Party, "a spare, bittersweet page-turner (NYTimes)," which was an IndieNext and Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers pick. She has been a tour guide in the former Soviet Union, a newspaper reporter in Florida, a magazine publisher in Russia and a speechwriter on gender equality for the United Nations Development Programme. She has blogged on raising boys for The Huffington Post and written book reviews for USA Today. She has a degree in Russian Studies from Brown University and a Master's in Journalism from Columbia University. She lives with her family near New York City and spends as much time as possible in Truro.