Anatomy Composition & the Narrative

$645 includes $100 materials fee

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Instructor: Susie Amato
Monday - Friday
July 29 - Aug 2
9am - 12pm
5 sessions
Open Studio: Mon - Thurs, 1pm - 4pm

We are here to create an exciting and inspiring environment for sculpting the human figure.

This is a class about figurative sculpture. We will be examining the human form to find the relationship between positive and negative space. How to describe the figure in a three-dimensional way. In the beginning we are inspired by what we see. With quick studies artists will bring their visions to life and discover an enthusiastic voice. A combination of anatomy, composition and the narrative executed well often make up a good work of figurative sculpture. In composition we study the whole, the big picture of any one thing or multiple of things. We are creating developed forms or mass defined also by the surrounding space.

Susie Amato attended The National Academy School of Fine Arts and studied with Ron Sherr, Harvey Dinnerstein and Marybeth McKenzie She sought out Robert Beverly Hale, Nelson Shanks and sculptor Antonio Antonius at The Art Students League and studied with Tony Ryder and Ted Seth Jacobs In France. Later she pursued individual artist/teachers Odd Nerdrum in Norway and Alex Kavensky in Spain for further study. She has been an assistant to sculptor Paul Lucchesi for 11 years at Parsons/New School for Social Research. Resulting with a teaching position in Pietra Santa, Italy at Circolo Culturale il Bosso. She is the recipient of a grant from the Alice Neel Foundation . The Philip Isenberg Award for Sculpture, The Edward G. McDowell Foundation, Xavier Gonzalez Award for painting, Kuniyoshi Award and other supporting and educational grants.