Instructor: Stephanie Hargrave
June 1 - 3
Tuesday - Thursday
10am - 4pm
3 sessions on Campus
Please join us for this two-day workshop. It is for the artist who is interested in exploring the use of encaustic and ceramics. We will a be discussing how the forms one creates in clay relate to specific surfaces and finishes you create with encaustic! Some simple clay forms will be available, but students are encouraged to bring their own bisque fired clay works to finish in wax. A variety of techniques will be demonstrated, including applying and fusing the wax, burnishing in paper, incising, adding fabric, and exploring both opacity and transparency
Stephanie Hargrave has been painting and working in clay since college, where she studied color theory, ceramics, sculpture, drawing and painting, as well as creative writing. She started a line of functional ceramics as a small business in 1997 after studying with Carol Gouthro, and has worked with metal, oil paint, watercolor and acrylics over the years, but her medium of choice is beeswax. She learned a great deal studying with Jef Gunn and Larry Caulkins at Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle, and later began co-teaching at Pratt (using wax as an element in sculptural collage) with Rickie Wolfe. She also teaches at NW Encaustic and out of her studio. Encaustic has been her focus for the last 18 years. It is the one medium that affords all the other materials she has worked in to overlap and inform one another.