Justin Cifello - The Edgewood Serpent: Invasive woody plants (Glossy Buckthorn [Frangula alnus], Bush Honeysuckle [Lonicera sp.], Bittersweet [Celastrus orbiculatus), Grapevine [Vitis sp.] and rebar. Invasive species are the dragons of the plant world, laying waste to ecosystems and hoarding habitat for themselves. This piece was built on a skeleton of entwined shrubs driven several feet into the ground, anchored with rebar. Vines were then woven into and around, binding the piece together. The variety of species were chosen for their complimentary structures, and diversity of colors and textures. The red eyes and tongue are bittersweet roots, and the crown of horns are honeysuckle stumps. By harvesting these materials outside of their fruiting season and securing roots high in the piece, every care was taken to prevent the spread of invasives. Www.instagram.com/leafshakerarts

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