Rob Silverstein - Swing Dancing (Stainless Steel) From a series where I would imagine a form made by taking a length of 6 inch by 6 inch steel bar and bending it like a gumby to create a figure. The two figures created in this composition are intended to suggest a dancing couple.

Rob Silverstein is a retired lawyer who spent most of his professional career as the general counsel for a large real-estate development company in the New York Metropolitan area, and whose primary non-professional interest has always been art. He received his bachelors’ degree from Brown University and his law degree from NYU Law School. His exposure to art began early, as his mother ran a charitable art show in suburban New Jersey for three decades. Since his retirement he has been an art student both in Manhattan and at Castle Hill, where the quality of his experience in workshops and in the community led him to join the Board. He has also served on the board of New Jersey Future, and as the president of several co-op and condominium boards. He lives in New York and Wellfleet. He is the co=president of the Castle Hill Board

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