Creating Infrafred Images

Instructor: Rachael Sokolowski
Friday, August 9
9am - 12pm
1 session

During this workshop you will learn how to create images with a surreal and dream-like quality that is unlike traditional photography. Infrared photography will introduce you to the world  of “unseen light”. And yes, it is possible to capture photographs with wavelengths that are not visible to the naked eye with your iPhone!   During this introductory-level workshop, you’ll receive an overview of infrared photography,  infrared filters, filter mount accessories, infrared camera apps, specific photo settings, and you will learn which editing tools are best for crafting IR images.  Several and filters will be available for shared use; however see the supply list in case you would like to bring your own. A tripod is necessary for effective infrared shooting and two will be provided for you use.

 We will use the infrared filters and mounts to capture images in the field. One of the best parts about infrared photography is that you take images in bright sunlight when normally the light is too harsh After  our photo shoot, a demonstration of editing the infrared images will be provided.